Joint compound and acrylic on wood by Holly Wilson |
Local North Wales artist, Holly Wilson, was an art major in high school and attended MCCC for 1 semester. Most of her art education has been from artists she has encountered over the years and recently from research on the Internet. She is a multi medium artist using recycled materials for her paintings and projects.
Acrylic painting by Holly Wilson |
Growing up, Holly would draw and color all the time. In elementary school, she became hooked on abstract painting and sculpture. She was lucky to have a grandfather who would bring home the reject paper from the New Hope Paper mill, in which he worked. She was never without paper! If only he had worked at the Kodak factory and could have brought home film, she would have pursued her interest in photography. Now that we are digital Holly is set, she tries to have her camera with her all the time. Art and photography are her passion!
The Bubble
photography by Holly Wilson |
Holly has 3 grown children and 11 grandchildren. While raising her children she has shared time with them making art. Now she is spending time with her grandchildren.
Mixed Medium on paper by Holly Wilson |
Look for Holly and her artwork at Lansdale's Fun A Day group show, Friday February 3rd at Lansdale's 3rd and Walnut Bar.
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| photography by Holly Wilson
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